Maritime Security

Since 9/11, the international maritime community has been increasing the attention and emphasis placed on theincreasing the attention and emphasis placed on the vulnerabilities of ships and port facilities. Heightened security is vulnerabilities of ships and port facilities. Heightened security is perceived as vital to sustain the critical flow of commerce and perceived as vital to sustain the critical flow of commerce and prevent a dire interruption of trade. A terrorist attack is preceded prevent a dire interruption of trade. A terrorist attack is preceded by a thorough study of the target. Targets lacking in demonstrable by a thorough study of the target. Targets lacking in demonstrable awareness, effective procedures, and well-prepared personnel awareness, effective procedures, and well-prepared personnel are by definition, “soft” and prone to an attack are by definition, “soft” and prone to an attack.

In order to “harden” potential targets, LOGAS P.H.P. GROUP offers:

Vulnerability & Risk Assessment

Security Plan Design

Security Measures Implementation

Systems & Access Control

Cyber Awareness

Maritime Security Services (Armed or Unarmed)

K & R Consulting (Crisis and Hostage Negotiation Services)


Mesologgiou 4-6, Amarousion Greece

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